Track your home staging projects to evidence the return on investment of staging a property for sale

Our brand new data app, Stageflow provides estate agents, property developers and home stagers with data collection and reporting tools to evidence the benefits of home staging a property before sale.

The data app is an exciting new piece of technology which came about after, as a home staging business, we noticed the significant gap in the market for a data-driven platform to house the statistics and reports necessary to prove the return on investment of staging a property before sale.

The benefits of home staging are often undervalued and without a tool to evidence the fantastic results home staging can achieve, the industry struggles to prove the absolute necessity for home staging.

Estate agents, developers and home stagers can use the app to download real-time text and visual reports that are filtered by date, location, property type and sale price – these reports can then be used to inform marketing materials, sent to potential clients and shared on social media.

If you have a project you’d like to talk to us about please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.

We generally work in the premium end of the market which means every quote is bespoke. In order for us to provide you with an accurate quote, please equip us with as much detail about the property as possible including square footage, floorplans and listing links.

If you need to send any attachments, please send these to [email protected].

Book an initial consultation

An initial chat with our consultant gives us the opportunity to learn more about your property staging needs so that we can tailor our service and offer specifically to your requirements.


30A Market Place, Melbourne, Derby DE73 8DS


Call Elaine Penhaul:
07967 636718

Call the office
01332 987740

Registered Office:
1 Prospect Place, Prospect House, Pride Park, Derby, DE24 8HG
Registered in England and Wales No. 9570684

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